If you are looking to break through personal obstacles holding you back from being the creative person you want to be, one-on-one mentoring support will greatly benefit you.
Enroll in a one-month-long mentoring program.
Together, we can work to unlock your creative potential.
Your One-Month Package Starts With an Introductory Session (1.5 hours):
In this 1.5 intro session, we will
Review your current personal and creative path.
Assess your current creative skillset.
Roughly outline the goals and objectives we can expect to manifest along your creative journey.
Schedule subsequent sessions for the forthcoming one-month period, one session per week.
One-Month Mentoring Package
What to Expect
In-depth conversation.
How to formulate new techniques for building your portfolio.
Support developing a work plan to execute your creative journey goals and objectives, including framing your work and exploring venues for exhibition.
Techniques for overcoming inhibitions using mindfulness-based tools.
How to celebrate your achievements as you meet your goals and objectives along the creative journey.
4 sessions per month, each lasting 1.5 hours.
One Month 4 sessions $450
Other Mentoring Options
2-hour session $170
1.5-hour session $130
Q & A
Where do sessions take place?
All sessions will occur via Zoom or a convenient outdoor location, depending on the weather.
I only want one session. Do you offer singular sessions?
Yes. A singular, 2-hour session costs $170. I also offer 1-hour sessions for $85.
Is the Introductory 1.5-hour session above counted as one of the four sessions in the One-Month Package?
What else should I know?
I have worked with several of my painting students over the years in a mentoring capacity. I couldn’t be more overjoyed to help my students explore, discover, and reveal their creative capacity. I know that together, we will do the same for you.